If you don't handle fraud charges properly, they could cause serious repercussions - in addition to having a terrible impact on your immediate future. At Lefevre Litigation, we have the expertise and knowledge to assist you in dealing with any fraud charges in a way that will help you get the best result for your unique situation and circumstances. Have you been falsely accused of defrauding someone? We strongly advise you to contact
one of our knowledgeable fraud solicitors as soon as possible, so that we can go over the specifics of the allegations, and determine the best course of action for defending yourself.
Leading Legal Advice For You
We have successfully represented clients accused of both corporate and DWP fraud so whatever type of charges have been brought against you, our team
has the expertise to help you put together an effective defence. Our knowledge of fraud law in Aberdeen and across the UK covers the Bribery Act 2010 and the many legal issues which may arise from it, making us the perfect legal team to help individuals and companies facing bribery and serious fraud charges in Aberdeen. We have also handled cases involving identify theft in Aberdeen, achieving satisfactory outcomes for corporate and private clients in the city.
Contact Our Specialists
If you’re facing related legal trouble, fraud representation
is essential. The most crucial thing to remember when facing fraud accusations is that the sooner you retain knowledgeable legal counsel, the sooner you can put an end to any rumours that might otherwise damage your reputation before your case even goes to court. With our team to help and advise you at every stage of your case, you will also be able to ensure that you do not make any bad decisions on the spur of the moment or say the wrong thing to the wrong people and damage your case in the process: in addition to providing you with the best legal defence team in the city, we can advise you what to say and what not to say to the media and to public officials. Contact
one of our fraud defence lawyers today for expert fraud representation.