Football Crimes

When the beautiful game turns ugly

   Appointments from 7.30am

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When the beautiful game turns ugly

   Appointments from 7.30am

It’s just a game

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If you find yourself accused of starting a fight or breaching the peace because of strong feelings about football, the truth of this old adage will quickly become apparent. Many people are passionate about football, but the law does not look kindly on disturbances caused by it. If you find that a moment’s passion has had unfortunate consequences, you need Lefevre Litigation.

What to do next

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Liam Mcallister has extensive experience and expertise in the legalities of football related public disorder and contesting Football Banning Orders. With an understanding of these situations and what to do about them, he is almost unparalleled in the area, he will prove to be a worthy last line of defence.

Book an appointment now

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Public disorder at a football match can result in a lengthy Football Banning Order and Prison sentence. Do not waste time – get in touch with us to discuss what action to take.

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