A car accident is one of the most terrifying things that can happen. Even the most minor of collisions can cause serious injuries and damage to your vehicle. Not only that, but it can also cost you a lot of money, time and stress too. Injuries from car accidents can actually develop and get worse over time, causing problems to your mobility and comfortability. If you have experienced injuries from a car accident, then you could be liable for car accident claims. This essentially means that you receive compensation for the detrimental impact the injuries have had on your life and your ability to complete everyday tasks.
Here are the four most common injuries that occur as a result of car accidents.
This is perhaps the most common injury of car accidents, detailing the muscle, ligament and tendon damage that can happen as a result of a collision. When a car hits something, then there is a drastic change of speed, which causes the body to jerk forward and back much quicker than you’d be able to do on your own. As a result, the muscles and soft tissues start to strain without the bones breaking. If you are experiencing this injury, then you might be able to receive whiplash compensation.
When experiencing a car accident, drivers and passengers can be subject to scrapes and cuts because of projectile debris. Not only can windows and windscreens smash, but there’s also the potential to be hit by items like phones and navigation systems.
This is one of the most common injuries just because of how fragile ribs can be. Car accidents inevitably cause you to be pushed in unpredictable directions, meaning that there’s a significant strain on your ribs.
Although car accidents can cause physical injuries, it’s important to remember that they can also cause a lot of emotional damage too. Car accidents can cause post-traumatic stress disorder, as well as knocking your confidence to ever set foot in a vehicle again. Car accident claims covers both physical and mental damage, so if you feel that you’ve been affected by an accident then you may be eligible for compensation.
If you’ve been involved in a car accident that has caused serious damage to your physical and mental wellbeing, then you could be eligible for compensation. For car accident claims, including whiplash claims, then look no further than
Lefevre Litigation. We know how difficult and stressful things can be after a car accident, that’s why we’re a company that provides you with the best legal advice so you can achieve the best outcome possible. To find out more about the products and services we offer, then
get in touch with our team today.