Fraud is one of the most common crimes all over the world, resulting in thousands of victims each year. However, if you find yourself on the opposing side, being accused of committing fraud you need professional representation. The outcome of your case depends on how quickly you react to your charges, so always seek professional legal help as soon as you can.
Read on to learn about the most common types of fraud and how this could relate to your case.
Identify theft and fraud is a deliberate act with the intent of stealing someone’s details to obtain financial gain or other benefits. Information can be accessed in a number of ways including stealing bank cards, a driving licence or posing as someone else.
When someone uses your credit or debit card to make a purchase without your authorisation, this is fraud. This can occur with and without a physical card, as fraudsters can enter your pin code, use contactless payments or make online purchases by entering your account information and security code.
The internet is a big place and there are hundreds of ways that fraudsters can commit crimes. Common types include fraudulent ticket sales, phishing and the use of malicious software. Every day the internet is plagued with thousands of fraudulent activities, some of which can have life long consequences for the victim and the perpetrator.
The amount of time you serve will depend on our circumstance, the severity of your crime and the impact it’s had on the victim(s). However, according to the UK Fraud Act 2006, the maximum sentence for fraudulent crimes is 10 years, which each crime being ranked as high, medium or low in terms of responsibility.
Here at Lefevre Litigation , based in Aberdeen, our team of experienced solicitors are here to provide the legal representation required to fight your case. We specialise in a range of lawsuits including fraud, road traffic offences, football crimes and more. Get in touch today for more information.