Being charged with breach of peace or disorderly conduct can be frustrating, but it’s more frustrating if you’re not sure what you did that was so wrong. There are several reasons you can be arrested for this, but some of the most common include:
Anyone who has been a part of a riot can end up with up to 10 years in prison and any level of fine. A riot is legally defined as a group of 12 or more people using violence or threats to achieve a common purpose, in a way that may cause others to feel threatened. If this goes beyond just making someone feel their life is at risk, you could end up in even more trouble. It’s essential that you seek legal advice if you are facing charges of being in a riot.
Referred to as Affray, you can be charged if you threaten someone or use unlawful violence against them in a way that truly makes them fear for their safety. This is usually used when two people fight and one or both threatens or takes violent measures against the other. It can result in 3 years of imprisonment and an unlimited fine.
You may also be charged with threatening behaviour, which can result in 6 months in prison, plus a fine.
If you’ve gotten drunk and then yelled at someone or threatened them with words or behaviour in a public space, this could be a charge brought against you. It may be minor, but you can be charged a hefty fine.
If you use words, behaviour, or writing to make someone feel you are being insulting and threatening, you can be charged with this, which may cause you to pay a fine and go to jail for 6 months.
Called Violent Disorder, this is much like a riot, but refers to 3 or more people who have used or threatened to use unlawful violence in a manner that makes people feel unsafe. This can lead to 5 years in prison and there is no limit on the fine. Again, you’ll want to seek legal counsel rapidly if you’re charged with this offense.
If you have been charged with any of these issues as a breach of peace, you should contact an attorney immediately. They will help you through the situation and ensure that you have all the help necessary to fight the charges.
Contact Lefevre Litigation today if you’ve been arrested for any of the above issues.