Have you been charged with a criminal offense? No matter how minor it may seem, you could pay the consequences for the rest of your life. Once you have a criminal record, it can be more difficult to get a job, go to school, or do many of the things you once took for granted.
There are a number of good reasons to hire the best defence lawyer you can, but here are the most important ones.
Complete the Process Faster
It can take months to get through everything and in that time, you could lose your job, your family, and much more. It’s no fun sitting in jail, either. However, you can keep the process moving smoothly by hiring a lawyer who knows what they’re doing. They’ll easily keep the case moving and will fill in the paperwork and guide you through the entire process. It’s far simpler when you have an expert on your side.
Reduce the Level of Your Offense
The worse the charges are against you, the more likely you are to have problems in the future with just about everything in life. For example, if you have an assault charge, this can make it impossible to work in many areas, but difficult even in something like driving a lorry. Rather than deal with the long term consequences of the charge, it’s best to reduce the charge if possible.
A good defence lawyer will work to get you a lighter charge and sentence to help you keep your job. It also makes it simpler to find work in the future. They will walk you through all the paperwork and give you tips on reducing the charges.
Reduce the Sentence
Whatever your case, you’ll want as light a sentence as possible. A poor lawyer could actually end up increasing your sentence, so hiring someone who can get you the best possible deal is essential. They will also be able to advise you as to what you can do to get your sentence down a bit.
Often, plea deals are available and your lawyer will negotiate these to ensure you get the best possible sentence for the crime. Ideally, you won’t serve any jail time, but the reality is that most criminals will spend some time in jail. A great lawyer will help you bring that jail time down as far as possible.
Finding a good lawyer is essential, if you want to reduce your sentence and get out of jail as soon as possible. They are worth their weight in gold, but it’s well worth it.
In need of a great defence lawyer? Call us today to get started.